Stay the course

Stay the course

Stay The Course empowers and educates young people to recognise their value & reach their full potential through well-being workshops. 

Initial inspiration

We recognise that young people today are struggling with a multitude of things and Stay The Course was born out of a desire to see a generation of young people achieve three things:

1. Recognise that their value and self-worth is untouched by any negative experience.

2. Learn how to protect their value and self-worth.

3. Become champions in achieving their dreams and reaching their full potential.

How it all started

Stay The Course started as a means to empower and educate young people on their true immeasurable value.

Our founder, Toby, helped to facilitate some 'enterprise' workshops in the summer of 2021.

After spending some time with the teenagers, he could see that there was a struggle among them with self-esteem, resilience and aspiration.

The experience sparked his brain to develop some workshop content that would educate and empower the young people on their true value and worth in this life. Uniquely providing a fresh and engaging way to teach skills that can protect their value, and then use their value to achieve their full potential!

After a couple of pilot workshops, Tommy joined Toby on this project and helped to grow and develop the content into a structured workshop series.

Originally the workshops were delivered on the National Citizens Service programme (NCS), and were well received.

Since then, over 1600 young people have taken part in our workshops, whether in schools, or as a part of NCS. 

Memorable highs along the journey

As a small business, all the highs seem to be memorable. It is our faith that motivates us, so we praise God for all the highs.

One memorable moment came during a dry spell which lead to some questioning for our personal next steps, and Stay The Course as a business. Sharing these questions with a mentor, Tommy was prompted to think about how he would feel if he woke up to an email asking for a booking of 10 workshops, to which Tommy easily said that he would be very excited for.

We were encouraged to pray and ask God to make clear what was next for Stay The Course, and to ask God to use us in doing his work through the business.

Well, the next day we received an email from an NCS Provider asking no less than 10 workshop sessions for their summer programme!

God spoke so clearly, delivered us from a dry season and provided us with the next step in this journey, which was such an incredible moment and memorable high.

Formational lows

God had called Toby into a full time position at a church in Nottingham, and Tommy has moved to Kent. Navigating time and co directing Stay The Course from different places is difficult, but trusting in what God has planned for us and leaning on His strength is what sustains us.

Foundation verses that have inspired along the way

Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you;
bind them around your neck;
write them on the tablet of your heart.
So you will find favour and good success
in the sight of God and man.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh
and refreshment to your bones.
— Proverbs 3: 3-8

Key advice to other pioneers

Ask God and others for help.

Our why

Unhealthy conflict isolates people, fractures communities, harms our physical and mental health, costs business millions of pounds each year and ultimately risks lives. We believe everyone can learn how to do conflict better, and where conflicts have become overwhelming, they should have access to trained experts who can help people move forward to a less stressful future.


Tommy Mack

Tommy Mack


May 2021

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