



noun: a risky or daring journey or undertaking.

The journey of a pioneer is a journey of faith.

What does a culture of pioneering look like in our churches?

It can be a time full of vision & excitement, where your passions, gifting & calling collide.

But it’s also an incredibly vulnerable moment, and at times lonely.

If you are exploring an idea that pursues social justice, care for God’s creation, or a new creative expression, then we’d like you to know that you’re not alone and we invite you to journey with others in community.


We're exploring what a culture of pioneering should look like in our churches

Our Team


The ventures team at KXC!


Types of journeys



You might be curious and inspired to start a new journey.


You enable others to walk their journey, equipping them with your skills and time.

Field Makers

You lead a community groups, exploring renewal in your industry of work.


You’re already running a venture and want to share your journey to inspire others.



Share your venture.

Explore an idea.

Offer a skill.




We would like to invite you to be part of this.