
Holding the conversations that matter 

We help people hold better conversations so they can lead less stressful, more peaceful lives. We do this by teaching people and teams conflict skills, offering mediation and hosting conversations on polarising issues to help society disagree well.

Initial inspiration

Phil first thought about setting up a local service in North London offering support with conflict after he started volunteering for Wandsworth Mediation Service (WMS). WMS offers local residents community mediation and conflict coaching to help with those issues which might seem small but create big problems between neighbours, like noise or bins. 

He heard on the grapevine that some areas of North London, including King’s Cross, didn’t have access to a dedicated, local mediation service. 

 Some months later he met Sarah, and told her about his plans over a large glass of wine. Things escalated, we (Phil & Sarah) married and Crux happened a while after that.

How it all started

We started thinking seriously about setting up an organisation to help people deal with conflict and miscommunication in relationships around January 2019. We’d both been involved in various reconciliation/conflict initiatives, and had personally experienced how helpful learning to deal with conflict is. We thought - why not give this thing ago? So we started writing a business plan.  

By September, we had dropped our normal work hours to 80% (which was not guaranteed!) and began planning. 

Memorable highs along the journey

One of our highlights has to be getting our first grant from Kings Cross Church. We ate a lot of cheese and wine while brainstorming our name that night. The second is writing and running the “Transforming Difficult Conversations” course with an inspiring group of mediators for around 40 people. Hearing how much the course had helped them, and how conflict shapes their lives was a key moment in bringing our ideas to life. And finally, getting a great bunch of directors together!

Formational lows

Ironically, some of our biggest disagreements have come to light on our “Crux” days. They usually haven’t even been about Crux, but despite that they tend to show up when we’re working together. It’s kept us humble, remembering that at no point is anyone really an “expert” on conflict - we are all learning, and learning to practise what we preach! 

That, and the daunting task of building a website from scratch on a shoe-string!

Foundation verses that have inspired along the way

It’s a cop out, but can we answer with Jesus? The way that he reconciles us not only to God, but also to each other and the earth is a central inspiration for our work. Just taking a look at his ministry is mind-blowing - he consistently crosses divides of wealth, status, ethnicity and convention to build relationships with people.

Key advice to other pioneers

  • We were told early on by a very successful mediator to be careful about making “the work” a central part of your identity. It’s so easy to prop your sense of self up with what you do and what you achieve. Setting up a venture is always going to be a rollercoaster, but you can probably make it more enjoyable if you’re aware of when it’s started to own you, instead of you owning it. 

Our why

Unhealthy conflict isolates people, fractures communities, harms our physical and mental health, costs business millions of pounds each year and ultimately risks lives. We believe everyone can learn how to do conflict better, and where conflicts have become overwhelming, they should have access to trained experts who can help people move forward to a less stressful future.


Phil Guthrie

Sarah Guthrie


Started January 2019


We have a mixed funding model - that is, we fundraise through grants and individual giving, and also sell our services to businesses, organisations and individuals. 

Our initial funding was made up of

  • KXC through Table Ventures and Reconcilers Together. 

  • Some initial individual giving, which we hope to grow

  • And currently one day a week pro bono from us!


We are currently a Community Interest Company (i.e. a social enterprise) with two Founders and a group of Directors. We may later set up a charity too - but for the moment this gives us the flexibility and efficiency we need while we are setting up Crux. 



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Just Ethical

Just Ethical
