

PostEra uses the latest in machine learning to develop new critically needed drugs

Initial inspiration

I was motivated to start this journey by two things:

  1. Asking myself the question: How can I use my skillset to serve society as best as possible?

  2. God was working too clearly for me to ignore it. Prophetic words at Seek First, shifts within my prior job at Goldman Sachs and a consistent nudge from the Holy Spirit gave me confidence that launching this venture was the right thing to do.

How it all started

I met one of the other cofounders while studying at university. Over the years we kept in touch and in April 2019 we decided to form a company centered around the academic breakthroughs he had made while at Cambridge University. We were both motivated in particular by the rise of Antibiotic resistance around the world and the huge health risk that it poses. We wanted to form a company to help tackle this issue amongst others.

Memorable highs along the journey

- Received a large offer for funding within 1 month of the company idea

- Accepted into the world's most renowned accelerator programme in San Francisco

- Received an investment from one of the highest figures in Goldman Sachs

Formational lows

- Receiving multiple late stage rejections from investors that we were confident would go through

- Having one investor ask to divide the team and replace myself in particular.

Foundation verses that have inspired along the way

Colossians 1:29 - "To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me". Launching a company is hard but knowing that Christ is the source of both my purpose and the energy to get there was a huge weight off my shoulders.

Philippians 4:11-13 - "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength". This verse helped me realise that whether this company succeeds to fails, that my joy and contentment is not tied to it but anchored in Christ.

Key advice to other pioneers

  • Find something that aligns with God's purposes and your passion

  • Pioneering is scary and demands faith, but this is exactly what pleases God (Hebrews 11:6)

  • Focus on the benefits your venture will bring to the world and it will help remove the worry/anxiety you feel about the personal cost of failure

Our why

Anti-biotic resistance is estimated to lead to 10 million deaths by 2050 without new drug discovery. There have been no new critical antibiotics in 40 years, and an inappropriate use of current antibiotics.

PostEra uses advances in machine learning to transform traditional drug discovery


Dr Alpha Lee, Aaron Morris & Matthew Robinson

Dr Alpha Lee, Aaron Morris & Matthew Robinson


April 2019


Small amount of our own savings. Majority came from international Angel investors.



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ARK coworking

ARK coworking