Joy is a health-tech organisation helping people access the support they need.

About Joy

Joy is a digital platform simplifying the way patients are connected to non-clinical services for their health and wellbeing. It is used by 800+ GP surgeries covering more than 7 million patients across the UK. The platform helps clinicians to:

  1. Identify patients that may benefit from non-clinical support e.g. Mental Health groups, Befriending, Weight Management

  2. Connect them to an appropriate service in their area

  3. Handle all of the workflow and case management associated with the referral in one easy-to-use platform

Initial inspiration

I have seen first-hand how non-clinical factors can impact a person's health and wellbeing. Whilst at university a member of my family developed a chronic health condition which left them unable to work and struggling with debt. Their days were spent in isolation, with no reason to leave the house and increasingly intimidating bills mounting up.

These issues exacerbated their health condition and resulted in more visits to the GP and a Dossett box filled with anti-depressants, pain medication and sleeping tablets. However, what they really needed wasn’t more medication but support. The interventions that made a big difference addressed their non-clinical needs such as navigating the welfare system, participating in a Weight Management group and the friends made volunteering at the local church.

How it all started

Whilst at Wildfires (a Christian festival) I attended a seminar on the loneliness epidemic which broke my heart. I had a prophetic picture of people, like my family member, belly-laughing, and I knew I was being called to solve this problem.

I began to explore this with intent and discovered that this issue of non-clinical factors driving ill health is a widespread global problem.

 Key statistics include:

  • 1 in 5 GP appointments are for health and wellbeing challenges that cannot be solved by doctors or medicine alone. This includes issues such as mental health, lifestyle factors and loneliness.

  • 10% of prescriptions dispensed are either inappropriate for a patient’s circumstances or could be replaced with alternative treatments.

  • 40% of premature deaths could be prevented with lifestyle changes.

It seemed so obvious that a new way to connect people to support was needed. I started testing different concepts with people in the health space and became aware of “Social Prescribing”, the formal term that describes connecting patients to non-clinical support for their health and wellbeing.

Memorable highs along the journey

It is crucial that God is in Joy and that it belongs to Him, not me. The moments where He has moved and spoken to me have been the best highs.

 The first time this happened was a miracle. In March 2019 a chap called Pete heard about Joy on the Kings Cross Church (KXC) podcast. He was based outside of London, had never been to KXC but somehow found himself listening to the podcast on his way to Reading for a meeting.

His meeting ended up being cancelled, and, rather than going home, he went on Eventbrite to see if there was anything fun happening in Reading. There was! He stumbled upon a tech meet-up and ended up learning about a £100K competition to solve loneliness amongst older people in Berkshire.

He emailed KXC to suggest I apply, and after striking up a partnership with a local charity and cobbling together an application form, we managed to win the £100K! This enabled me to quit my job and pursue Joy full-time. It was massively unexpected and a miracle!

There is more to this story, if you’d like to check this out it’s all on the KXC podcast:
1. This clip has the full story (3 mins)

2. This is the original clip Pete heard on his way to Reading (4mins)

Formational lows

The weight of carrying Joy can be heavy. At times it is ironically lonely. I am on a learning curve of how to be dependent on God and my default position is to worry and become anxious. The first couple of years felt like walking on the seabed between walls of water, totally dependent on God to keep going. Pioneering a new venture is ridiculously difficult and I have so much respect for anyone doing it.

Foundation verses that have inspired along the way

Exodus 33:15-17

Then Moses said to God, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?”

And the Lord said to Moses, “I will do the very thing you have asked because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.”

This exchange between Moses and God is very similar to my ongoing conversation. I am reluctant to move forward without God telling me He’s with me and He’s pleased with me.

Key advice to other pioneers

  1. Align your vision to God’s vision. God places His dreams in our hearts and is inviting us to partner with Him to renew our world.

  2. Pray about what you’re pioneering - “the transcript of your prayers becomes the script of your life”. God can’t move if you don’t invite Him into your dreams and desires. I spend each morning chatting with Him about Joy and asking for a breakthrough in every area. He is SO interested in your venture and desperate to partner with you on creating it.

  3. Use what’s in your hand to get started. You don’t need lots of money or resources to begin pioneering your venture. Before leaving my job to go all-in on Joy I spent 15 months researching and testing ideas out before spending/receiving any money.

Our why

Joy exists to add 10 years to life expectancy through social prescribing.

We do this by providing cutting-edge social prescribing software to the UK care system.


Patrick Harding


Started September 2019


Joy is backed by investors across the globe


Company limited by shares



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