
‘Form’ is a publishing imprint of SPCK that provides practical resources that help you actively engage in the ongoing process of becoming more like Jesus in the midst of modern-day life.

Initial inspiration

The initial inspiration for this venture didn't come as a sudden spark but more the gradual weaving together of various different ideas. After four years of working in Christian publishing, I felt a growing desire to not simply commission content based on prolific preachers and trends, but to prayerfully listen to what the Church was actively hungering after and, together with a team, create resources that would help meet this need. At the same time, my then-mentor at work was also noticing a growing desire for spiritual formation content; wisdom of old applied to our current, fast-paced everyday lives. The idea to form a new UK-based spiritual formation imprint was then in motion.

How it all started

My mentor at the time really paved the way for this idea to become a reality, making the case for why an over 300-year-old company needed a new brand. Though the idea was discussed at length, it didn’t gain momentum. He then left the company and months later, the door swung wide open for the development of such a brand and I was asked to lead it. Humbled by the opportunity, I asked God for next steps and I felt like he was calling me into a time of ‘incubation’ where I would simply sit and listen to church, ministry and organisational leaders as to where they saw a need for new resources.

Memorable highs along the journey

The week that I received my new job was not just a memorable high of this journey but of my entire life! At the time I had a dual role within the company, splitting my time between the editorial and publicity departments. Although I wanted to be a full-time editor, I was told that commercial realities meant that there sadly wasn’t this role for me. I began to look for a full-time editorial job externally, but nothing landed until one day I got headhunted for a new position elsewhere. That night, I prayed and felt God saying, ‘Get ready. Something is coming, but it’s not what you expect,’ and given that the role I was headhunted for was a bit of a diagonal move, I figured ‘this is it.’

The very next day, the CEO at my current job invited me into his office and offered me a huge promotion to a full-time editorial role and asked me to develop the new imprint. The rest of the week was like step-by-numbers as God paved a way for me to accept the role on even better terms than I could imagine and all before I flew off to Lake Como that weekend. Looking out across the lake, I laughed and cried my eyes out at the goodness of God, that even in all those ‘no’s he had a bigger and better ‘yes’ lined up for me all along.

I don’t know how long God wants me to champion this imprint and I am holding it lightly but feel so sure that he’s called me to this particular part of the journey here and now.

Formational lows

In many ways, I think my previous experience in Christian publishing has prepared me for some of the most formational lows, which have unfortunately often come at the hands of other Christians questioning my credentials and my theology due to my churchmanship not being the same as theirs. I have often had to dig deep in lengthy conversations about the nuances of particular words or in which people question my love of Jesus and remind myself that most people are acting in good faith and protecting their interpretation of the truth. At the beginning of 2019, I went to a conference in Nottingham where three different, unrelated people gave me the same words in the space of two days: ‘Stop defining yourself by what you’re not and start defining yourself by what you are.’ I am a daughter of the King who wants to help people share stories (and share some of my own along the way) and that has to be enough for me. I’m learning that people-pleasing and leadership can’t always go hand in hand.

Foundation verses that have inspired along the way

KXC favourite, Matthew 11:29: 'Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.'

Also, 1 Corinthians 4: 'It matters very little to me what you think of me, even less where I rank in popular opinion. I don't even rank myself. Comparison in these matters are pointless. I'm not aware of anything that would disqualify me from being a good guide for you, but that doesn't mean much. The Master makes that judgment.'

Key advice to other pioneers

  • These are all things I am having the learn and relearn as I go but: remember why you started out in the first place; be collaborative, share the highs as you’ll definitely want to share the lows; remember that Jesus cares about ‘the one’ – sometimes bigger isn’t always better.

  • And the hardest one for me to remember: remember the Great Commission is more important than anything you could commission or make, ever.


The people who have paved the way internally at SPCK, and then me and a great team of marketers, editors, salespeople and designers.

The people who have paved the way internally at SPCK, and then me and a great team of marketers, editors, salespeople and designers.


December 2019


Part of a bigger, established organisation, SPCK.


Imprint of SPCK.



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