Ventures impact fund

As a church we recognise the role that ventures play in cultural renewal by caring for the vulnerable in society and loving the environment. We also recognise the various pressures that a pioneer faces when starting up and the role that we as a church can play to support those pioneers walking out lives of reckless generosity, courageous faith and radical obedience to Jesus.

The role of the Impact fund is to provide a direct financial injection to fund a portion of a venture’s start-up costs - either;

  1. initial outlay costs that develops a concept (e.g. creates a minimal viable product MVP), or

  2. to bring a product or service to market for the first time.

We recommend reading through the eligibility criteria and policy below before applying.


+ Who do we support?

  • Only a founder / director for the venture can apply (no applications can be submitted on their behalf)

  • The applicant must be part of KXC’s community, whether via sign up on Churchsuite, attendance on Sundays/in a hub/pattern/other ministry.

  • The “social & environmental impact” should align with the missional objectives of the church and the 5 marks of mission specified by the Anglican communion

  • Unfortunately the fund is not there to support ventures in financial difficulty, or individuals running ventures experiencing financial difficulty.

+ Missional Impact

We support ventures that align with the mission of the church, as defined by the charitable objectives of the church to promote the Christian Faith & alleviate suffering, and the Anglican Communion’s 5 marks of mission.

+ KXC’s mission objectives

We seek to engage with those who live, work or pass through King's Cross, and develop missional tools to engage with the emerging socio-economic patterns across the King's Cross landscape. Our desire is to develop disciples who live in and live out the story of God, following the way of Jesus with a redemptive vision to serve God locally (in King's Cross) as well as across the city in their workplace, universities and neighbourhoods. Funds distributed by KXC should go towards the relief of sickness, hardship or distress.

+ 5 Marks of Mission

The mission of the Church is the mission of Christ:

  • To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom

  • To teach, baptise and nurture new believers

  • To respond to human need by loving service

  • To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation

  • To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth

Reference: Anglican Communion

+ What are our values?

We want to create a family mindset in the way that we start & run ventures - we’d hope that the following values are adopted & expressed in the purpose of ventures started in the KXC community.

You can read more about our values here .

+Do we ask for anything in return?

Generosity is one of our key values, and although we do not give funds with the expectation that ventures financially give back to the church, our hope is that ventures will reciprocate this generosity by giving back in someway that aligns with the mission of the church.

+ What we support

There are obviously a range of start-up costs that can be covered - this could include stock, website hosting, staffing costs etc… - we do not want to put a restriction on what can be funded but the expectation is that this will only fund costs not otherwise funded through traditional means of fundraising, or where a pioneer has already shown a significant personal contribution to fund the venture & where this fund serves to bridge a gap that brings about the MVP or first market placement. In other words, the Impact Fund is designed to have an impact - both making a difference to the venture that starting and also have a social or environmental impact.


Before applying please read through our policy below, which contains further information on the process & timing:


You can either fill the application out online (please note you have to press submit for the application to save) or using the word document.



Share your story

We’d love to hear more about the origins of your story, please do share this with us at the link below: